Friday, March 26, 2010

Hospital Days

So I am going to play catch up for while, so bare with me. The girls were born April 15, 2009. It was a really hard pregnancy. Morning sickness which was more like all day sickness and was put on bed rest (with potty privileges). I went into labor when I was only 28 weeks along and spent the remaining 4 weeks in the hospital. I was the nurses worst patient because Kyla would not cooperate. She was a fireball, and still is. They could not keep her on the monitor, and when they finally would catch her I was terrified to move a muscle. This was very uncomfortable and made it very frustrating. I thought those days were the worst ever, but looking back on it now I miss it. I never thought I would say that when I was going through it, I wanted them out of me! But staying in an uncomfortable hospital bed, eating horrible food, and having monitors strapped to my belly 24/7 were amazing memories.
When the doctors told me I was running a fever and we had to take the girls out by C-Section I was horrified. I remember crying and shaking a lot. Something about a giant white room, being strapped down, and a sheet in front you is not the most comforting scenario. Everything went great, the girls were immediately brought to the NICU, and Kyla was then transferred over to Primary's Children Hospital. Mya weighed 4 lbs 6 oz and little Kyla weighed 2 lbs 12 oz. Mya did awesome and came home 4 weeks later. Kyla had surgery the day before Mya came home (everything went great) and then came home 4 weeks after that. Having them home was the scariest thing ever! At the hospital they have all sorts of monitors and alarms if anything went wrong, at home you have nothing. They were both still so small and fragile. I swear I remember lifting up Kyla's shirt every minute just to make sure she was still breathing. It was the scariest couple of weeks of my life. They survived, and are doing great now.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A little history

So this is my first blog, EVER! A little nervous, but here it goes. The girls are almost ONE and I cannot believe it. People tell you all the time how fast time goes by, and it never really meant anything to me. Now when I think about it I get tears in my eyes. It really does seem like yesterday when I was feeling (and watching) them dance in my belly. Life is so crazy and wonderful at the same time. They are the most beautiful and best thing in my life. As Dad always says, "they are the light of my life."
We have recently moved to Holladay and are loving it. The girls love the carpet and are "rippin" it up. (We used to have hard wood floors-hard on their knees) They have now discovered how to open cabinets and get into everything they are not supposed to. Thank God for locks and gates. They are exploring new food. They love pickles!! (along with most things) They are great eaters. Mya did eat a boxelder bug the other day, but I think I got most of it out. There was a wing on her lip, good protein.
They love each other and love to give kisses (with tongue). However, they do like to tease. Kyla has mastered putting her toys behind her back, and Mya just runs (well crawls) away. Mya is pulling herself up on everything and I fear that she will be walking soon.
They are the sweetest and best babies ever!